General Description
Section 1
of the element must be provided in order to facilitate
computation of these effects.
4) The self-weight of the elements can be applied using the
SELFWEIGHT loading condition. The density of the elements
has to be provided in order to facilitate computation of the self-
Solid elements, the loading types available are
The self-weight of the solid elements can be applied using the
SELFWEIGHT loading condition. The density of the elements
has to be provided in order to facilitate computation of the
Joint loads which are forces or moments that are applied at
the joints in the direction of the global axes.
Temperature loads which may be constant throughout the
solid elements (causing only elongation / shortening). The
coefficient of thermal expansion for the material of the
element must be provided in order to facilitate computation of
these effects.
Pressure on the faces of solids.
Only translational stiffness is supported in solid elements. Thus, at
joints where there are only solid elements, moments may not be
applied. For efficiency, rotational supports should be used at these