Section 5
B. Base shear is given as
Vo / Wo = a / Q’
Where Reduction of Shear Forces are requested
Time Period T of the structure is:
calculated by the program based on using Raleigh quotient
The user may override the period that the program calculates by
specifying these in the input
a and Q’ are calculated according to the sections 3 and 4 of the
NTC, that is to say:
a = (1+3T/Ta)c/4 if T<Ta
a=c if Ta ≤ T ≤ Tb
a=q*c if T>Tb
q= (Tb/T)
Q’= Q if T ≥ Ta
Q’= 1 + (T/Ta) (Q-1) if T < Ta
If not regular
Q’ = Q’ x 0.8
Ta, Tb and r are taken from table 3.1.