Timber Design
4.1 Timber Design
STAAD.Pro supports timber design per two codes – 1985
AITC code and 1994 AITC code. The implementation of
both the codes is explained below.
1994 AITC code implementation
The salient aspects of design in accordance with the 4
(1994) of the Timber Construction Manual published by the
American Institute of Timber Construction are:
1. Design can be performed for two types of timber sections -
dimensional timber sections, also known as sawn lumber,
and, glulaminated sections. The design facilities of the
1985 code implementation in STAAD was limited to
glulaminated sections.
2. The program includes a database of dimensional timber
sections with this code.
Implementation of Dimensional Lumber Properties
The database of sawn lumber sections, listed in Table 8.1 of the
1994 AITC Manual, is implemented in the program. Some of the
key aspects of this implementation are:
In the property tables in the AITC manual, one will find that, for
any particular species of timber, the Modulus of Elasticity (E) and
allowable stresses may vary with the cross-section size. For
example, a 2x4 Douglas Fir-Larch, Select Structural member has