General Description
Section 1
and hence, they will all receive the load. The concept of members
on the windward side shielding the members in the inside regions
of the structure does not exist for open structures.
As a large structure may consist of hundreds of panels and
members, a considerable amount of work in calculating the loads
can be avoided by the user with the help of this facility.
1.18 Analysis Facilities
The following PERFORM ANALYSIS facilities are available in
Stiffness Analysis / Linear Static Analysis
2) Second Order Static Analysis
P-Delta Analysis
Imperfection Analysis
Multi Linear Spring Support
Member/Spring Tension/Compression only
Nonlinear Cable/Truss Analysis
3) Dynamic Analysis
Time History
Response Spectrum
Steady State / Harmonic
Salient features of each type of analysis are discussed in the
following sections. Detailed theoretical treatments of these
features are available in standard structural engineering textbooks.
1.18.1 Stiffness Analysis
The stiffness analysis implemented in STAAD is based on the
matrix displacement method. In the matrix analysis of structures
by the displacement method, the structure is first idealized into an
assembly of discrete structural components (frame members or
finite elements). Each component has an assumed form of
displacement in a manner which satisfies the force equilibrium and
displacement compatibility at the joints.
See section