Timber Design
Section 4
4.5 Orientation of Lamination
Laminations are always assumed to lie along the local Z-plane of
the member. The user may please note that in the MEMBER
PROPERTIES section, YD always represents the depth of the
section across the grain and ZD represents the width along the
grain. This is in accordance with the sign convention conforming
to “SET Y UP”.
Figure 4.3
4.6 Member Selection
The SELECT MEMBER command starts with the min. permissible
depth (or min. depth provided thru DMIN parameter) and checks
the code. If the member fails with this depth, the thickness is
increased by one lamination thickness and the codal requirements
are checked again. The process is continued till the section passes
all the codal requirements. This ensures the least weight section
for the member. If the depth of the section reaches max. allowable
or available depth and the member still fails, the user can have the
following options for redesign:
i) Change the width or increase the max. allowable depth
ii) Change the timber grade
iii) Change the design parameters.