Section 5
5.53 Shear Wall Design
STAAD performs design of reinforced concrete shear walls per
two codes currently: ACI 318-02 and BS 8110. In order to design a
shear wall, it must first be modelled using the Surface element.
The attributes associated with surfaces, and the sections of this
manual where the information may be obtained, are listed below:
Attributes Related
Surfaces incidences - 5.13.3
Openings in surfaces - 5.13.3
Local coordinate system for surfaces - 1.6.3
Specifying sections for stress/force output - 5.13.3
Property for surfaces - 5.21.2
Material constants - 5.26.3
Surface loading -
Stress/Force output printing - 5.42
Shear Wall Design - 3.8.2, 5.53
Scope of the design is dependent on whether panel definition, as
explained in section 5.53.1, precedes the shear wall design input
block which is explained in section 5.53.2.
a. No panel definition.
Design is performed for the specified horizontal full cross-
section, located at a distance c from the origin of the local
coordinates system.