Section 5
rpa-spec = ⎧
Q f2 ⎫
RX f3 ⎪
RZ f4 ⎥
STYP f5 ⎥
CT f6 ⎬
⎥ (
PX f8) ⎥
⎩ (
PZ f9) ⎭
f1 = Seismic zone coefficient. Instead of using an integer value
like 1, 2, 3 or 4, use the fractional value like 0.08, 0.15, 0.2,
0.3, 0.05, etc.
f2 = Importance factor
f3 = Coefficient R for lateral load in X direction – table 4.3
f4 = Coefficient R for lateral load in Z direction – table 4.3
f5 = Soil Profile Type
f6 = Coefficient from table 4.6 of RPA 99
f7 = Damping factor
f8 = Optional Period of structure (in sec) in X direction
f9 = Optional Period of structure (in sec) in Z direction (or Y if
SET Z UP is used) to be used as fundamental period of the
structure instead of the value calculated by the program using
Raleigh method
General format to provide RPA Seismic load in any load case:
RPA LOAD {X/Y/Z} (f)
where, I and f are the load case number and factor to multiply
horizontal seismic load respectively.