General Description
Section 1
1.16.2 Member Load
Three types of member loads may be applied directly to a member
of a structure. These loads are uniformly distributed loads,
concentrated loads, and linearly varying loads (including
trapezoidal). Uniform loads act on the full or partial length of a
member. Concentrated loads act at any intermediate, specified
point. Linearly varying loads act over the full length of a member.
Trapezoidal linearly varying loads act over the full or partial
length of a member. Trapezoidal loads are converted into a
uniform load and several concentrated loads.
See section
Any number of loads may be specified to act upon a member in
any independent loading condition. Member loads can be specified
in the member coordinate system or the global coordinate system.
Uniformly distributed member loads provided in the global
coordinate system may be specified to act along the full or
projected member length. Refer to Fig. 1.3 to find the relation of
the member to the global coordinate systems for specifying
member loads. Positive forces act in the positive coordinate
directions, local or global, as the case may be.