Bentley 2006 Frozen Dessert Maker User Manual

Section 4
iii) Form Factor
iv) Lateral stability of Beams and Columns
v) Moisture Content Factor
vi) Temperature and Curvature factors.
The allowable stresses for bending, tension, compression,
shear and Moduli of elasticities are modified accordingly .
5. Determines slenderness for beams and columns (Short,
intermediate and long) and checks for min. eccentricity, lateral
stability, buckling, bending and compression, bending and
tension and horizontal shear against both axes.
6. The output results show sections provided or chosen, actual
and allowable stresses, governing condition and ratios of
interaction formulae and the relevant AITC clause nos. etc for
each individual member.
4.2 Design Operations
Explanation of terms and symbols used in this section
Symbols Description
Actual compression or tension stress (in PSI). For
tension, the axial load is divided by net sectional area
(i.e., NSF x X-area).
FA Allowable design value for compression or tension (in
PSI) modified with applicable modifiers or calculated
based on slenderness in case of compression.
, f
Actual bending stresses about local Z and Y axis (in
FBZ, FBY Allowable design values for bending stresses about
local Z and Y axis (in PSI) modified by the applicable
JZ, JY Modifier for P-DELTA effect about the Z and Y axis
respectively as explained in formula 5-18 of TCM.
, f
Actual horizontal shear stresses.