Section 3
In the above input, the first set of members are rectangular (18
inch depth and 12 inch width) and the second set of members, with
only depth and no width provided, will be assumed to be circular
with 12 inch diameter. It can been seen that no area (AX) is
provided for these members. For concrete design, this property
must not be provided. If shear areas and moments of inertias are
not provided, the program calculates these values from YD and
ZD. Notice that in the above example the IZ and IY values
provided are actually 50% of the values calculated using YD and
ZD. This is a conventional practice which takes into consideration
revised section parameters due to cracking of section.
The third and the fourth set of members in the above example
represent a T-shape and a TRAPEZOIDAL shape respectively.
Depending on the properties (YD, ZD, YB, ZB, etc.) provided, the
program will determine whether the section is rectangular,
trapezoidal or T-shaped and the BEAM design will be done
3.4 Design Parameters
The program contains a number of parameters which are needed to
perform design by the ACI code. Default parameter values have
been selected such that they are frequently used numbers for
conventional design requirements. These values may be changed to
suit the particular design being performed. Table 3.1 is a complete
list of the available parameters and their default values.
Section 5.51.2 of this manual describes the commands required to
provide these parameters in the input file. For example, the values
of SFACE and EFACE (parameters that are used in shear design),
the distances of the face of supports from the end nodes of a beam,
are assigned values of zero by default but may be changed
depending on the actual situation. Similarly, beams and columns
are designed for moments directly obtained from the analyses
without any magnification. The factor MMAG may be used for
magnification of column moments. For beams, the user may
See Section