Mitsubishi Electronics SW3D5C-ACT-E Frozen Dessert Maker User Manual

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"HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL" is given purpose-by-purpose for the use of MX
Refer to the following outlines and use this manual.
(1) To know the features (Section 1.1)
Section 1.1 gives the features.
(2) To know the system configurations (Sections 2.1, 2.2)
The system configurations using MX Component are provided.
(3) To know the MX Component operating environment and usable programmable
controller CPUs (Sections 2.3, 2.4)
Section 2.3 gives the operating environment of MX Component and Section 2.4
indicates usable programmable controller CPUs.
(4) To know the MX Component operating procedures (Chapter 3)
Chapter 3 provides the operation procedures of MX Component.
(5) To know how to operate the utilities (Chapters 4, 5)
Chapter 4 describes operations common to the utilities, and Chapter 5 explains
how to operate the utilities.
Read these chapters when using the utilities.
(6) To know the communication setting examples of the utility setting type
(Chapter 6)
Chapter 6 gives the setting example of each communication path using the utility
setting type.
(7) To know the communication setting examples of the program setting type
(Chapter 7)
Chapter 7 provides the setting example of each communication path using the
program setting type.
(8) To know the accessible devices and ranges (Chapter 8)
Chapter 8 contains the accessible devices and accessible ranges.