n Use the
(Mass Storage Is) command to make the flexible disk drive the mass storage
device. For example, you would type
if the flexible disk was located at
1 and press
The program will run
immediately after it is loaded.
HP-IB addresses
The program queries the spectrum analyzer for its ID string and serial number. The program
assumes the spectrum analyzer HP-IB address is 718. If it is something other than 718, use
the up/down arrow keys on the computer to place the pointer next to Spectrum Analyzer
polling address and press
ENTRY . When entering an HP-IB address, also include
the select code. For example, if the analyzer were at address 23 on an HP-IB interface at
select code 14, you would enter 1423 as the polling address.
Data files and system mass storage files
The TAM I/F SW program creates a data file for each HP 85623 it is used with. This data
file contains the original ID string and serial number of the spectrum analyzer. The filename
is in the form:
where xxxxx is the last five digits of the spectrum analyzer
serial number. These data files are stored in the location listed as the system mass storage file
location. The default location is the location from where the program was loaded.
If the system mass storage file location is more than 37 characters, the first 17 characters will
be displayed, followed by three periods ( . . .
), and then followed by the last 17 characters.
n If you wish to change the system mass storage file location, use the up/down arrow keys to
point to “System mass storage file location” and press CHANGE ENTRY. You will then be
prompted to enter a new mass storage file location.
n If the polling address or the mass storage file location were changed, press
Executing a test
n To execute a particular test, adjustment, or diagnostic function, press the appropriate menu
softkey; for example, press
MENU to access a TAM test function.
The Test Menu, Adjustments Menu, and Diagnostics Menu all function similarly. A listing
of all available TAM functions are given, followed by the model number to which the ID
string will be changed to execute that function, and any limitations which apply to using
that function. For example, selection 3 in the Diagnostics Menu reads:
3) RF
up to 5
If RF Path Fault Isolation is selected, the ID string will be changed to HP8561E. When the
diagnostic is run, it will only check the RF path up to 5 GHz (a frequency approximately in
the middle of the highest band of the HP 85613).
n Move the pointer to the desired function and press SELECT. The display will indicate the
spectrum analyzer serial number, the function selected, and the new ID string to be sent to
the analyzer.
to change the analyzer ID string. When prompted, cycle the
spectrum analyzer power; the new ID string is only read from EEROM at power-up.
General Troubleshooting 7-11