Tekxon Technology AWG2021 Ventilation Hood User Manual

3 Ć86
AWG2021 User Manual
Waveform1 Waveform2
Figure 3 Ć67: Waveforms Used for Waveform1 and Waveform2
The procedure after the two waveforms have been set in each editing area is as
Setting the convolution range
1. Select Select/Open from the bottom menu.
2. Select Waveform1 from the side menu.
3. Press the CURSOR button on the front panel.
4. Using the numeric keys or the general purpose knob, set the positions of the
left and right vertical bar cursors to define the section of the waveform for
convolution. In this example, we will set the left cursor to point 0 and the
right cursor to point 255.
5. Select Waveform2 from the side menu.
6. Select Setting from the bottom menu.
7. Select Waveform Points from the side menu and, using the numeric keys or
the general purpose knob, set the waveform point size to 768.
512 points is sufficient for the range of operation for Waveform2; in order to
display all of the results of operation, the Waveform2 editing area (where
the results will be displayed) must be enlarged. The area needed is the sum
of the point sizes for the two waveforms.
8. Press the CURSOR button on the front panel.