Tekxon Technology AWG2021 Ventilation Hood User Manual

Appendix C: Performance Verification
AWG2021 User Manual
2. Select the AWG2021 waveform file and set AWG2021 controls:
a. Initialize AWG2021 controls: Push UTILITY!Misc!Config...!Re-
set to Factory!O.K.
b. Select waveform file:
H Push SETUP!Waveform Sequence, if necessary, to select a
waveform file for CH1. Waveform Sequence toggles between the
CH1 files (upper list) and the CH2 files (lower list).
H Turn the general purpose knob to highlight the EXT_CLK.WFM
3. Turn on the AWG2021 CH1 output: Push the CH1 button so that the LED
above the CH1 output connector is on.
4. Check the external CLOCK IN threshold level:
a. Enable function generator output: Turn on function generator output.
b. Check the level: Check that the waveform displayed on the oscilloscope
has an amplitude of 5 divisions and a stable display of 5 cycles.
5. Turn off equipment output and disconnect test hookup:
a. Disable function generator output: Turn off function generator output.
b. Remove connections: Disconnect all connections to the AWG2021.
ECL Digital Data Out Check (Option 03)
This procedure checks the AWG2021 ECL digital data output at the rear panel.
This check requires that the AWG2021 has Option 03 installed.
Characteristic Checked
Auxiliary Outputs, ECL Digital Data Out, Level, on pageĂBĆ8.
Equipment Required Test leads, ECL digital data out cable, power supply,
termination board, and oscilloscope.
Prerequisites The AWG2021 meets the prerequisites listed on page CĆ5.