Appendix D: Sample Waveform Library
AWG2021 User Manual
Made with the waveform editor.
Figure DĆ13: PseudoĆRandom Pulse Waveform
Description An MĆseries pseudoĆrandom signal is created using the waveform editor's
timing display shift register generator function.
ąRegister length = 15
ąPoints/step = 1
ąThe encoding is NRZ.
When you output this waveform repeatly, you create the eight times
repetition waveforms with the sequence editor and expand its sequence file
into waveform file using the Expand SEQ into WFM function of the
waveform editor. Then you enable to output this waveform repeatly.
Settings Waveform points: 32767 (2
Clock frequency: 100 MHz
Output time: 655.34 ms
PseudoĆRandom Pulse