Operating Examples
2 Ć44
AWG2021 User Manual
Arbitrary waveforms can be created on the graphic display with the POINT
DRAW function.
Use the following procedure to make a copy of the file SAMPLE–1.WFM
created in the previous operation.
1. In the initial EDIT menu, select Copy bottom menu. The display used to
enter the name of the copy of the file will appear, as shown in Figure 2 -31.
Figure 2 Ć31: Entering a Name for the Copied File
In this example, you will name the copy SAMPLE–2.
2. Press the Delete key on the front panel to delete the “1” in the file name.
3. Press “2.”
4. Select O.K. from the side menu.
SAMPLE–1 will be copied as a new waveform file named SAMPLE–2.
5. Check to make sure that the SAMPLE–2 waveform file is displayed
inverted in the file list in the initial menu. If it is not selected, turn the
general purpose knob until the name SAMPLE–2 is displayed inverted.
Creating Arbitrary
Waveforms Using the
Point Draw Function