NEC 5 Wok User Manual

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Program 47 : IntraMail
47-01 : IntraMail System Options
Aspire Software Manual Programming 1329
Program 47 : IntraMail
47-01 : IntraMail System Options
Use Program 47-01 : IntraMail System Options to set up the IntraMail system-wide options.
Input Data
Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
Not Available for Aspire L/XL.
Aspire M requires software 4.93+.
Item 16 requires software 2.64+.
Item 17 is not available in Aspire S.
Item 16 available for Aspire M with 4.93+.
Item 17 requires software 4.93+.
Item No. Item Input Data Default
01 DSPDB Voice Mail Type
Use this option to enable the IntraMail PCB. Enter 0 for this
option when IntraMail is installed.
When changing a system from using a VRS to IntraMail, the
system must be restarted after making this change.
0 = IntraMail
1 = PVMU - Not available
in North America
02 IntraMail Master Name
Use this option to modify the name for all IntraMail ports. The
system briey displays this name when a display keyset user
calls a Voice Mail port (either by pressing
MSG, their voice
mail key, or by dialing the master number). You should always
end the name with the ## characters. The system substitutes the
port number for the last #. Using the default name IntraMail ##
for example, the keyset display shows IntraMail #1 when call-
ing port 1.
Up to 12 Characters IntraMail ##
(The system
the port num-
ber for the #
when calling
the port).