Intel SA-1110 Food Processor User Manual

SA-1110 Developers Manual 381
Peripheral Control Module
11.12.13 MCP Register Locations
Table 11-20 shows the registers associated with the MCP and the physical addresses used to access them.
Receive FIFO service request (read-only).
0 Receive FIFO is less than half-full (three or fewer entries filled) or SSP disabled.
1 Receive FIFO is half-full or more (four or more entries filled) and SSP operation is enabled,
DMA service request signalled, interrupt request signalled if not masked (if RIE=1).
Receive FIFO overrun.
0 Receive FIFO has not experienced an overrun.
1 Receive logic attempted to place data into receive FIFO while it was full, request interrupt.
15..7 Reserved.
0h 8007 0074 SSP Status Register: SSSR Read/Write and Read-Only
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 0
(Sheet 2 of 2)
Bits Name Description
Table 11-20. MCP Control, Data, and Status Register Locations
Address Name Description
0h 8006 0000 MCCR0 MCP control register 0
0h 8006 0004 Reserved
0h 8006 0008 MCDR0 MCP data register 0
0h 8006 000C MCDR1 MCP data register 1
0h 8006 0010 MCDR2 MCP data register 2
0h 8006 0014 Reserved
0h 8006 0018 MCSR MCP status register
0h 8006 001C 0h 8006 005C Reserved
Note: MCCR1 resides within the same address space as the PPC.
0h 9006 0030 MCCR1 MCP control register 1