SA-1110 Developer’s Manual 435
3.6864–MHz Oscillator Specifications
B.1.2 Quartz Crystal Specification
The following specifications for the quartz crystal are shown in the figure and table below.
Resonance frequency (fs): Resonance frequency of the crystal.
Motional capacitance (Cm):
Equivalent serial capacitance in the crystal
Motional inductance (Lm): Not generally given in supplier specification.
Motional resistance (Rm): Equivalent serial resistance in the crystal
model. Some crystal providers refer to this
resistance as the Equivalent Series
Resistance (ESR) or simply Series
Shunt capacitance (Co): Parasitic capacitance between Q1 and Q2.
Load capacitance (CL): Needed load capacitance viewed by the
crystal to oscillate at fs.
Drive level: Power dissipated in the equivalent serial
resistance (Rm).
Aging: Resonance frequency shift due to aging.
Specification Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Resonance frequency (fs) 3.5795 3.6864 — MHz
Motional resistance (Rm) 40 180 300 Ohm
Shunt capacitance (Co) ——7pF
Drive level ——10 µW
Crystal type AT cut crystal
Q1 Q2
Cm Lm Rm