DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 2 Configuring BGP IP VPN
2.3 Configuring BGP/MPLS VPN
2.3.1 Configuring Basic BGP/MPLS
VPN Functions
To configure basic BGP/MPLS VPN fucntions, perform the following configurations:
Configuring an MPLS Network (Mandatory)
Configuring a VPN Routing Instance (Mandatory)
Configuring PEs to Transmit VPN Routes (Mandatory)
Configuring Route Exchanging Between PEs and CEs (Mandatory)
Configuring the VPN Label Distribution Mode (Optional)
Configuring Import and Export Policies for VPN Routes (Optional)
Configuring a Static L3VPN FTN and ILM (Optional) Configuring an MPLS Network
To use MPLS on the backbone network, you must configure the MPLS LDP on the P and PE to
set up public tunnels. This means that you have to configure LDP on MPLS devices and enable
MPLS on each interface. The configuration procedure is as follows:
Command Function
DES-7200# configure terminal
Enter the global configuration mode.
DES-7200(config)# mpls ip
Enable MPLS globally.
DES-7200(config)# mpls router ldp
Enable LDP and enter the LDP configuration
DES-7200(config-mpls-router)# ldp
router-id interface loopback id force
Configure the LDP router ID. The IP address
of the loopback interface is generally used as
the router ID.
DES-7200(config-mpls-router)# exit
Quit the LDP configuration mode.
Ruiije(config)# interface type ID
Enter the interface configuration mode.
DES-7200(config-if-type ID)# ip
address ip-address mask
Assign an IP address to the interface.
DES-7200(config-if-type ID)#
Enable MPLS on the interface at the public
network side.
DES-7200(config-if-type ID)# mpls ip
Enable LDP on the interface.