DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 4 LINE Mode Configuration
4 LINE Mode
4.1 Overvie
This chapter describes some operations in LINE mode:
z Enter the LINE mode
z Configure the protocols to communicate on the line
on the line
4.2 Conf
z Increase/decrease LINE
z Configure the ACLs
iguring LINE Mode
4.2.1 Entering the LINE mode
A an configure the specified line.
Execute the following commands to enter the specifi
fter entering the specific LINE mode, you c
ed LINE mode:
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# line [console | vty ] first-line
Enter the specified LINE mode.
4.2.2 Incre
asing/Decreasing LINE
B ou can e
to increase or decrease line vty, up to 36 line vty
y default, the number of line vty is 5. Y xecute the following commands
is supported.
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# line vty line-number
Increase the number of LINE VTY to the
specified value.
DES-7200(config)# no line vty line-number
Decrease the number of LINE VTY to the
specified value.