DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 1 AAA Configuration
DES-7200(config)#enable secret w
# Define the AAA service method list
! Configure dot1x authentication
DES-7200(config)#aaa authentication dot1x renzheng group radius local
! Configure network authorization
DES-7200(config)#aaa authorization network shouquan group radius
! Configure network accounting
DES-7200(config)#aaa accounting network jizhang start-stop group radius
# Enable the domain-based AAA service switch
DES-7200(config)#aaa domain enable
# Create the domain and configure the domain attribute collection
! Create the domain
DES-7200(config)#aaa domain
! Associate the AAA service method list
DES-7200(config-aaa-domain)#authentication dot1x renzheng
DES-7200(config-aaa-domain)#authorization network shouquan
DES-7200(config-aaa-domain)#accounting network jizhang
!Configure the domain state
DES-7200(config-aaa-domain)#state active
!Configure the username without the domain
DES-7200(config-aaa-domain)#username-format without-domain
DES-7200(config)#aaa authentication dot1x renzheng group g2
DES-7200(config)#aaa authorization network shouquan group g2
DES-7200(config)#aaa accounting network jizhang start-stop group g2