DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 10 PIM-Snooping Configuration
Snooping means “eavesdrop”, from which we can understand the working
process easily. When the L2 multicast device “eavesdrops” Hello message from
router, it will add the interface to the multicast forwarding table. In a certain time, if
the L2 multicast device does not receive Hello message, the interface will be
removed from the forwarding table.
10.2 Default PIM Snooping Confiugration
By default, the PIM Snooping is disabled.
10.3 PIM Snooping Configuration Guide and Limit
PIM Snooping applies to PIM-DM and PIM-SM.
PIM Snooping can be enabled or disabled separately on SVI.
The timeout of neighbor information of PIM Snooping is processed based on the
hold time of the hello message.
10.4 PIM Snooping Cofiguration Tasks
10.4.1 Enabling the PIM Snooping globally
The PIM Snooping can be enabled in the VLAN after the it is enabled globally.
To enable the PIM snooping globally, execute the following commands:
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# ip pim snooping
Enable the IGMP Snooping IVGL mode.
The following example will show how to enable the PIM Snooping globally and
verify the configurations.
DES-7200(config)# ip pim snooping
DES-7200(config)# end
DES-7200# show ip pim snooping
Global runtime mode : Enabled
Global admin mode : Enabled
DR Flooding status : Enabled
Number of user enabled VLANs: 0
User enabled VLANs: