DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 1 IP Address and Service
Command Function
DES-7200(config-if)# ip address ip-address
Assign a secondary IP address to
the interface.
DES-7200(config-if)# no ip address
mask secondary
Remove the secondary IP address
configuration for the interface. Configuring Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP)
Every device in a LAN has two addresses: local address and network address.
Local address is contained in the header of the frames on the data link layer.
Disputably, the correct term is data link layer address. Since this local address
is handled in the MAC sub-layer of the data link layer, it is normally called MAC
address representing an IP network device in a network. Network address
represents a device in the Internet and indicates the network to which the
device belongs.
For inter-communication, a device in a LAN must know the 48-bit MAC address
of another device. The ARP can resolve the MAC address upon an IP address
and the reversed ARP (RARP) can resolve the IP address upon a MAC address.
You can resolve the MAC address in two ways: ARP and Proxy ARP. For the
information on ARP, Proxy ARP and RARP, refer to RFC 826, RFC 1027, and
RFC 903.
ARP binds the IP and MAC Address. It can resolve the MAC address upon an
IP address. Then, the relationship between the IP address and the MAC
address is stored in the ARP cache. With the MAC address, a device can
encapsulate the frames of the data link layer and send them to the LAN in the
Ethernet II-type by default. However the frames can also be encapsulated into
other types of Ethernet frame (for example, SNAP).
The principle of RARP is similar to ARP. RARP resolves the IPaddress upon a
MAC address. RARP is configured on non-disk workstation in general.
Normally, a device can work without any special address resolution
configuration. DES-7200 product can manage address resolution by.
z Configuring ARP Statically
z Setting ARP Encapsulations
z Setting ARP Timeout