DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 12 NFPP Configuration
Field Description
Interface Global refers to the global configuration.
Status Enable/disable the arp-guard.
Rate-limit In the format of source IP address-based
rate-limit threshold / source MAC address-based
rate-limit threshold / port-based rate-limit
Attack-threshold In the same format of the Rate-limit.
- No configuration. Showing monitored host configuration
Command Function
DES-7200# show nfpp dhcp-guard hosts
Show the dhcp-guard hosts statistics, including total
host amount, isolated host amount and non-isolated
host amount.
DES-7200#show nfpp dhcp-guard hosts
[vlan vid] [interface interface-id]
Show the isolated hosts information.
show nfpp dhcp-guard hosts vlan vid: Show the
isolated hosts in a VLAN.
show nfpp dhcp-guard hosts [vlan vid] [interface
interface-id]: Show the isolated hosts on a interface in
show nfpp dhcp-guard hosts [vlan vid] [interface
interface-id] [mac-address]: Show the isolated hosts.
Use the MAC address to identify the hosts.
For example,
DES-7200#show nfpp dhcp-guard hosts statistics
success fail total
------- ---- -----
100 20 120
DES-7200# show nfpp dhcp-guard hosts
If column 1 shows '*', it means "hardware do not isolate user" .
VLAN interface MAC address remain-time(s)
---- -------- ----------- -------------