DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 12 NFPP Configuration
This section shows the administrator how to configure the port-based rate-limit and attack
detection in the nfpp configuration mode and in the interface configuration mode:
Command Function
DES-7200# configure terminal
Enter the global configuration mode.
DES-7200(config)# nfpp
Enter the nfpp configuration mode.
DES-7200(config-nfpp)# arp-guard
rate-limit per-port pps
Configure the arp-guard rate-limit of the ARP packet
on the port, ranging from 1 to 9999, 100 by default.
DES-7200(config-nfpp)# arp-guard
attack-threshold per-port pps
Configure the arp-guard attack threshold, ranging
from 1 to 9999, 200 by default. When the ARP packet
number on a port exceeds the attack threshold, the
CLI prompts and the TRAP packets are sent.
DES-7200(config-nfpp)# end
Return to the privileged EXEC mode.
DES-7200# configure terminal
Enter the global configuration mode.
DES-7200(config)# interface
Enter the interface configuration mode.
DES-7200(config-if)#nfpp arp-guard
policy per-port rate-limit-pps
Configure the rate-limit and attack threshold on the
specified interface.
rate-limit-pps: set the rate-limit threshold. The valid
range is 1-9999 and by default, it adopts the global
rate-limit threshold value.
attack-threshold-pps: set the attack threshold.
The valid range is 1-9999 and by default, it
adopts the global attack threshold value.
DES-7200(config-if)# end
Return to the privileged EXEC mode.
DES-7200# show nfpp arp-guard
Show the arp-guard parameter settings.
DES-7200# copy running-config
Save the configurations.