DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 2 IPv6 Configuration
z ICMPv6
z IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
z Path MTU Discovery
z ICMPv6 Redirection
z Address Conflict Detection
z IPv6 Stateless Auto-configuration
z IPv6 Address Configuration
z IPv6 Route Forwarding (supporting static route configuration)
z Configuration of various IPv6 parameters
z Diagnosis Tool Ping IPv6
2.1.1 IPv6 Address Format
The basic format of an IPv6 address is X : X : X : X : X : X : X : X, where X is a 4 hex
integers (16 bits). Each digit contains 4 bits of information, each integer contains 4 hex
digits and each address contains 8 integers, so it is total for 128 bits. Some legal IPv6
addresses are as follows:
800 : 0 : 0 :0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1
1080 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 8 : 800 : 200C : 417A
These integers are hex integers, where A to F denote 10 to 15 respectively. Each
integer in the address must be denoted and the starting 0 needs not be denoted. Some
IPv6 address may contain a series of 0s (such as the examples 2 and 3). Once this
condition occurs, the “: :” is allowed to denote this series of 0s. Namely, the address
800:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 can be denoted as: 800 :: 1.
These two colons denote that this address can be extended to the complete 128-bit
address. In this way, the 16-bit group can be replaced with two colons only when they
are all 0s and the two colons can only present for one time.
In the mixture environment of IPv4 and IPv6, there is a mixture denotation method.
The lowest 32 bits in an IPv6 address can be used to denote an IPv4 address. The
address can be expressed in a mixture mode, i.e., X: X : X : X : X : X : d . d . d . d.
Where, the X denotes a 16-bit integer, while d denotes an 8-bit decimal integer. For
instance, the address 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 192 .168 . 20 : 1 is a legal IPv6 address.
After the abbreviated expression method is used, this address can be denoted as
follows: : : 192.168. 20. 1. One of the typical example is the IPv4-compatible IPv6
address, which is expressed in the “::A.B.C.D” mode, i.e., “::”; the other typical
example is the IPv4-mapped IPv6 address, which is expressed in the “::FFFF:A.B.C.D”
and used to invert the IPv6 address to the IPv6 address, i.e., map the IPv4
address”” to the IPv6 address”::FFFF:”.