DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 4 SNTP
4 SNTP Configuration
4.1 Overview
Network Time Protocol (NTP) is designed for time synchronization on network
devices. Another protocol, Simple Network Time Protocol(SNMP) can be used
to synchronize the network time, too.
NTP protoco
l can be used across various platforms and operating systems, and
d demands better
simplifies the algorithm of time calculation
ce, with precision of about 1s.
SNTP Cl tally compatible with the NTP Server due to the consistency of
the SNTP and NTP messages.
provide precise time calculation (1-50ms precision) and prevent from latency
and jitter in the network. NTP also provides the authentication mechanism with
high security level. However, NTP algorithm is complicated an
As a simplified version of NTP, SNTP
but also has great performan
ient is to
.1.1 Understanding
SNTP works in the way of Client/Server. The standard Server system time is set
by receiving the GPS signal or the atomic clock. The Client obtains its accu
time from the service time accessing the server regularly, and adjusts its syste
clock to synchronize the time.
Fig -1
Originate Timestamp T1 time request sent by client